The Retreat Yoga Session

Yoga is a practice that connects the body, breath and mind. This practice uses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve overall health. Yoga was developed as a spiritual practice thousands of years ago.


Well-arranged yoga mats in spa at Retreat Costa Rica

Yoga House & Daily Practices

The yoga house is set at the peak of THE RETREAT and with beautiful French doors, opens to a large terrace overlooking the Pacific Valley. This space accommodates 20 yogis and is fully stocked with mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and meditation pillows.

Daily Classes:

8:00 am - Morning Practice (movement, meditation or yoga)Starting with a guided meditaton to embody peace, calmness and re-connceting to the self. Bringing this into yoga asana andpranayama practices to move into a more nuanced body-breath-mind connection. Finding a balance of the physical, mental to awaken and energyze the Body while linking breath with movement.

4:00 pm - Afternoon Practice (restorative, meditation or yoga): Letting go of nervous tension, relaxing in savasana, resting pose toe ase tightness in the ligaments, tendons and muscles. Hip opener forward folds, opening up tight connective tissue, renewing, nourishing, finding blood Flow and circulation all for the well being and wholeness.


Meet Our Yoga Intructors 2024



Meet Our Yoga Intructors 2025