Wellness Packages
Enhance Your Luxury Retreat Experience
Art of Resting
Created to revitalize weary guests amidst the whirlwind of life's uncertainties and demands, our Art of Resting Package guarantees a haven for quality rest and tranquil pursuits.
Who is the package for:
For individuals grappling with burnout, anxiety, anxiety, and the relentless pace of modern life resulting in disrupted rest and insomnia.
Emotional Healing & Recovery
Crafted to support recovery from challenging times, blocked energies, and for those seeking a revitalized life. Realigning chakras, enhancing heart energy, reintroducing vital nutrition, and dispelling negativity aid emotional healing. This package guides you back to yourself.
Who is the package for:
For those who desire to be nurtured in letting go and releasing emotional traumas and stresses of life.
Fitness Reboot & Fat Burning
Rev up your workout regimen for muscle gain! Experience a swift kickstart to establish a robust exercise routine to help yield fast results, amplifying muscle growth and setting the stage for a sustainable, enduring plan.
Who is the package for:
Tailored for both men and women aiming to supercharge their physical prowess and prime their bodies for sustained fat burning over the long haul.
Sensual Awakening
Discover Sensual Awakening, an immersive 5-night sexual wellness retreat crafted to help you explore and enhance your sexuality and strengthen your connection to your body’s innermost wants, needs, and desire.
Who is the package for:
This luxury wellness package is ideal for those who desire to embark on a journey towards sexual authenticity, freedom and pleasure, by nurturing their overall health. Whether you are single or in a relationship, this authentic wellness experience nurtures your overall well-being, paving the way for a more vibrant and satisfying sex life.